!±8± Lightning Pro Grade Plug-In Receiver

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$33.99 | Post Date : Apr 12, 2012 19:39:44
Usually ships in 1-2 business days Make your Home Smarter, Safer and More Secure with the Lightning Switch wireless/batteryless home and building control system. Buy extra Receivers to expand your Lightning system. Never enter a dark house again - use your batteryless remote control to turn on the lights before you open the front door. Avoid trips and falls when you wake at night - control lights around your house from your bedside. Install a Transmitter as a fright light control to the headboard of your childs bed or on the nightstand. Add or change a light switch without running new wires, or knocking holes in your walls, or re-plastering or repainting. Control all your holiday window candles at once - and your Christmas tree. And never change or throw away a battery again! The first Lightning products are designed to manage lights and small appliances. Future Lightning products will include controls for ceiling fans and door chimes. The Lightning Switch saves 0s over the cost of installing or replacing wired switches. But, the Lightning Switch is about more than just saving money. It offers flexibility, versatility and convenience that wired switches can never match. You can design your Lightning system to be as basic or as sophisticated as you want - just by making a series of simple decisions. The installation process is so easy and foolproof that you wont even need instructions after the first time. Transmitters can command any number of Receivers. Receivers can be commanded by up to 30 different Transmitters. Receivers are rated to 500 watts. Your system cant be interfered with by your neighbors - even if they have Lightning products. The Lightning Switch is economical, versatile, and very easy to install and manage. Receiver comes in White. Protected by four issued US patents. Additional US and International patents pending. UL listed. FCC approved.
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